Last updated: 31/01/2022
Q1. What to do if your child develops symptoms of COVID-19?
If your child develops symptoms of COVID-19, they must not come to Nursery and should remain at home for at least 5 days from the date when their symptoms appeared. Anyone with symptoms will be eligible for testing and this can be arranged via or by calling 119.
Self-isolation can end 5 days after the initial positive test if you receive 2 negative lateral flow test results 24 hours apart, on days 6 and 7.
Further information is available at:
Q2. Someone who lives with a child or staff member has tested positive. Can the child/staff member come to Nursery?
Yes, if vaccinated you do not need to isolate and so can come to Nursery. However, if unvaccinated and aged over 18 years and 6 months, you must complete 10 days self-isolation.
Even if vaccinated we urge you to take a lateral flow before coming to Nursery as a precautionary measure.
Q3. Will the nursery retain its usual opening times?
The nursery will operate as closely as possible to its usual schedule, but we ask for flexibility around drop off and pick up in order to comply with social distancing. Your Nursery Manager will explain this in more detail as required.
Q4. Are staff being tested?
In line with the current government guidelines, staff do not need to be routinely tested. Staff and children can be tested if they display symptoms.
Q5. My child has been displaying symptoms of COVID-19 what do I do?
Your child will need to take a PCR test and self-isolate until they have received their result which will determine the next steps.
Q6. My child was displaying symptoms of COVID-19, so I got them tested but the test has come back Negative, can they return to Nursery?
Yes, if your child has a negative result they can return back to nursery providing they are well enough to attend.
Q7. My child was in close contact with someone in the Nursery who has tested positive for COVID-19, what do I do?
Your child can continue to attend Nursery as normal, however, as a precautionary measure, we advise your child to take a lateral flow test and encourage you to monitor if your child has any COVID-19 symptoms.
Q8. Will regular monthly invoicing be suspended for any reason?
No, invoicing will continue as it was before the COVID-19 pandemic.
Q9. Can I reduce my child’s hours to funded only to avoid paying any additional fees?
You will need to speak to the Nursery Manager as there may be a waiting list for funded only places, as priority is given to those children who need education and care for longer.
Q10. In the event of staff shortages and the Nursery not being able to provide childcare, do I still have to pay?
If you have any questions regarding our Terms and Conditions, please do not hesitate to contact a member of the management team.
Q11. If my child is unable to attend Nursery for whatever reason, can I use my funding at a later date?
No, this decision was made by the Local Authority who controls the funding.
Q12. Will there be bubbles in the Nursery?
In line with Government guidance, the children will not need to be in bubbles.
Q13. Will I be charged fees if my child has to self-isolate for 5 days due to a positive COVID-19 result?
Yes, fees are still payable all in accordance with our Terms and Conditions in particular clause 2 applies.
We are also aware of the government guidance, whilst it only deals with general principles, about fees charged during this period elsewhere, the guidance suggests that fees can be charged to maintain services. We want to be fair to all our parents, and this includes both being flexible where the law says children cannot attend, and at the same time, charging so we can maintain our nursery’s viability into the future. Without the payment of fees, we may be in a position where we are unable to keep the nursery open.
We appreciate that everyone is making difficult decisions in a rapidly changing society. If you are struggling to pay for your child’s place at this time, please approach us and we will do our best to work with you to find a solution. If you have any questions regarding your invoices please do not hesitate to contact a member of the admin team for your nursery.
Q14. If there is a confirmed case in my child’s Nursery and I choose not to bring them in, will I still be charged?
Yes, fees are still chargeable all in accordance with our Terms and Conditions, in particular, clause 2 applies.
Q15. Is it safe to bring my child into a setting if there has been a confirmed case?
There is an increased risk of infection from a confirmed case, but there is also a risk from children or staff without symptoms. However, we will track exactly which children and staff if any confirmed case and communicate this to all concerned so they can take a test themselves, and their children, to see if they have the virus – in which case they would need to isolate as per the government guidance.
The nursery will follow the guidance given by Public Health England as per any other notifiable virus, such as measles, mumps and scarlet fever, and staff will spend more time on cleaning and hygiene, and less on administration, record keeping and audit during this period.
Every effort will be made to be calm and positive at Nursery, and to keep things as normal as possible, so that the children can be as relaxed and happy, as this is good for their immune systems and also for their education.
Q16. Will the Nursery close if there are too many cases of COVID-19 in the setting?
Yes, if there are too many cases in the setting then the Nursery will have no choice but to close following the Public Health England guidelines.
Q17. Do I need to wear a mask when collecting or dropping off my child, even if this is from outside?
We would encourage all parents during drop off and collection to wear a mask to provide another layer of protection for yourselves and the team. Regardless if you are dropping off or collecting from an outside area please wear a mask.
The World Health Organisation published a statement on 21 August about children and face coverings. They now advise that “children aged 12 and over should wear a mask under the same conditions as adults, in particular when they cannot guarantee at least a 1-metre distance from others and there is widespread transmission in the area.”
We are asking that masks be worn as another layer of protection for yourself and for our team, especially at this time of rising cases of COVID-19. At times it may not be possible to self-distance when collecting the children from the parents especially the younger children.
There are no consequences for not wearing a mask when dropping off and collecting the children, this is just an additional safety measure we have introduced to protect yourselves and the team and like with all of our policies and procedures we would kindly ask you to follow them.
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